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Senin, April 28, 2008

How To Get Beautiful Skin From A Good Diet

Eating foods causes the nutrients to be absorbed into the body. In addition, eating health promoting foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and unsaturated fats found in natural foods like olive oil and fatty fish. Many medical professionals also suggest drinking plenty of water. Another option is making sure you have the right supplement program. However, eating “fun, pleasurable foods” like chocolate will not cause acne.

If you have ever suffered from acne, you know that many creams contain a form of vitamin A. Although oral supplements of vitamin A have been shown to help prevent skin cancer and treat acne, the potential for liver toxicity of the large doses required, makes the topical creams the best avenue for many physicians. Scientists have also been exploring whether topical nutrients may help slow the aging process. Today, you can find many anti-aging creams that have antioxidants that may be helpful when applied outside the human body.

The focus has been on antioxidants since they can provide protection against the sun and other environmental damage. Antioxidants are found in many vitamins, minerals and other phytochemicals, which protect against the harmful effects of free radicals that can damage cell membranes. Moreover, antioxidant nutrients, such as vitamins C and E, and phytonutrients have associated with reduced risk of diseases. Since your skin provides a protective barrier, enhance your protection with a good nutritional defense plan. Scientific studies have also shown that individuals that have a history of skin cancer who ate a lower fat diet had reduced rates of further precancerous and cancerous skin growths than those people who ate a higher fat diet.

Further benefits of a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, yogurt, legumes, eggs, vegetable oils, whole grains, tea and water was seen in a study of individuals over 70 years of age living in three European countries. Those who ate these foods had less photo-aging and skin wrinkling than those who ate a diet primarily of red meat, whole milk, butter, sugared products and potatoes.

Until more is known, choose foods and supplements that help prevent skin cancer, photo-aging and wrinkles. Besides the recommendations to stay out of the sun, wear sunscreen daily when outdoors and stop smoking. We also suggest that you drink plenty of water. Nutritionally, your best protection is with a family diet full of plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, monounsaturated fats found in olive oil, fish and nuts and Smart Supplementation.

Stay Healthy By Drinking Water

Drink yourself healthy with our water guide

When we were kids in school, we learned that each molecule of water is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. We also learned that it was great fun to fill up our squirt guns with water, at least until the principal caught us. What we really didn't learn, however, was how much water we needed in order to be healthy human beings.
Why We Need Water
Our bodies are estimated to be about 60 to 70% water. Blood is mostly water, and our muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a lot of water. Water is needed to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to all our organs. Water also transports oxygen to our cells, removes waste, and protects our joints and organs.

Signs of Dehydration
We lose water through urination, respiration, and by sweating. If you are very active, you lose more water than if you are sedentary. Diuretics such as caffeine and alcohol cause us to lose water by tricking our bodies into thinking we have more water than we need.
Symptoms of mild dehydration include chronic pains in joints and muscles,lower back pain, headaches, and constipation. A strong odor to your urine, along with a yellow or amber color indicates that you are not getting enough water. (Note that riboflavin, a B Vitamin, will make your urine bright yellow.) Thirst is an obvious sign of dehydration and in fact, you need water long before you feel thirsty.

How Much Water To Drink
A good rule of thumb is to take your body weight in pounds and divide that number in half. That gives you the number of ounces of water per day that you need to drink. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water per day. If you exercise you should drink another 8 ounce glass of water for every 20 minutes you are active. If you drink coffee or alcohol, you should drink at least an equal amount of water. When you are traveling on an airplane, it is good to drink 8 ounces of water for every hour you are on board the plane. If you live in an arid climate, you should add another 2 servings per day. As you can see, your daily need for water can add up to quite a lot.
The best source for water is plain, pure drinking water. Juices and sodas have a lot of sugar in them and aren't a good source, so if you drink them, they don't count towards your daily amount. Diet sodas aren't a good choice either. Herbal teas that aren't diuretic are fine. Sports drinks contain electrolytes and may be beneficial, just look out for added sugar and calories that you don't need.

Carry A Water Bottle
It may be difficult to drink enough water on a busy day. Be sure you have water handy at all times by keeping a bottle for water with you when you are working, traveling, or exercising. If you get bored with plain water, add a bit of lemon or lime for a touch of flavor. There are some brands of flavored water available, but some of them have sugar or artificial sweeteners which you don't need.

10 Reasons why drinking water is good for you
1. Get healthy skin. Drinking water moisturizes your skin from the inside out. Water is essential to maintaining elasticity and suppleness and helps prevent dryness.

2. Lose weight. Increased water consumption can help you control weight by preventing you from confusing hunger with thirst. Water will also keep your body systems working properly, including metabolism and digestion, and give you the energy (and hydration) necessary for exercise.

3. Flush toxins. By helping to flush toxins, appropriate water intake lessens the burden on your kidneys and liver.

4. Reduce your risk of a heart attack. Researchers at Loma Linda University in California studied more than 20,000 healthy men and women and found that people who drink more than five glasses of water a day were less likely to die from a heart attack or heart disease than those who drank fewer than two glasses a day.

5. Cushion and lube your joints and muscles. Water makes up a large part of the fluid that lubricates and cushions your joints and muscles. Drinking water before, during, and after exercise can also help reduce muscle cramping and premature fatigue.

6. Stay regular. Water helps prevent constipation by adding fluid to the colon and bulk to stools, making bowel movements softer and easier to pass.

7. Stay hydrated, get energized, and be alert. On average, most adults lose about 10 cups of fluid a day through sweating, exhaling, urinating, and bowel movements. Even minor dehydration can cause impaired concentration, headaches, irritability, and fatigue.

8. Regulate your body temperature. Perspiration is your body's natural mechanism to control body temperature. And to sweat, you need plenty of water.

9. Reduce your risk of disease and infection Water can help prevent kidney stones and reduce your chances of getting bladder, kidney, and urinary tract infections. One study found that women who drank more than five glasses of water a day had a risk of colon cancer that was 45 percent less than those who drank two or fewer glasses a day.

10. Get well. The traditional prescription to "drink plenty of fluids" when you're sick still holds strong. Water can help control a fever, replace lost fluids, and thin out mucus.

Get Your Body In Shape By Pole Dancing

It has a reputation of being performed in dimly-lit sometimes seedy clubs, but the image of pole dancing is changing

Pole dancing is a lot more strenuous than it looks: a good session on the pole can burn more calories than a good session in the gym, and will certainly provide more muscle tone.

Some moves are trickier than others. Imagine having to support your entire weight with one arm, or supporting your upper body weight with your stomach muscles to get an idea of the level of effort involved. You'll get increased muscle definition and toning all over especially in the arms, thighs, and buttocks.

You can expect to burn about 250 calories per session.

You will need to wear trainers for the warm up session but, after that, you will need to feel the part to get maximum benefits from the class. You need to be able to grip the pole effectively, have freedom of movement and feel a bit sexy while doing the class.

Bare legs are essential if you want to grip on to the pole (you will slip with tights or trousers on). The ideal outfit is a pair of fairly short shorts or hot-pants, and something comfortable and attractive, but not restrictive on your top half.

High heels are also an advantage to give you that strut. The ideal shoes have high heels and a plastic strap across the top of the foot.

The standard pole-dancing class involves a 10-minute warm-up, a 40-minute cardiac workout on the pole and a 10-minute cool down. Probably the biggest thing for most women to overcome is the shyness factor.

Most people quickly overcome that hurdle because they work hard all day and are looking for a new way to unwind. Pole dancing is often compared to belly dancing, in the sense that as soon as women start to move in a rhythmic fashion sexual expression just takes over. The pole acts like a dance partner for them.

And a very demanding one. Pole dancing is one of the most effective ways to build upper-body strength, which many women lack. Suspending your entire body weight on one arm accounts for a great deal of the time spent on a pole during class workouts.

But it's not just the physical side-effects that get most women hooked, it's also the psychological benefits. Many women are not used to showing off their bodies, but after three weeks of pole dancing the physical transformation is amazing. Shoulders are pulled back, waists are elongated, their butts are more perky and their physical self-confidence has doubled. Pole dancing works out the whole body, increasing flexibility and improving posture because all those hip circles really loosen up the joints.

One of the best aspects of pole dancing is that it's very social. You really get involved with the other women in the class. They cheer each other on as they do basic floor exercises such as the leg splay and the peekaboo.

Not surprisingly, in the US and Britain, and now Australia, women are signing up for a single pole-dancing class for hens' nights and girls' nights out.

Pole dancing is no longer about men, it's about getting together for fitness and fun!

How To Have a healthy Diet

1. Eat plenty of fruit and vegies
Studies of large populations throughout the world consistently show that people who have diets high in fruit and vegies (including legumes — beans, peas and lentils) have substantially lower risks of coronary heart disease, stroke, several major cancers, possibly high blood pressure, obesity and type 2 diabetes (formerly called non-insulin-dependent diabetes).
How much?
At least two serves of fruit and five of vegies each day (for adults). A serve of fruit is about one medium-sized piece, or two small pieces, for vegies, it’s about half a cup, cooked.

How to do it
Variety is the key — benefits come from a combination of substances working together, so eat as many different-coloured fruit and vegies as you can to get maximum benefit.

2. Eat plenty of cereals, preferably wholegrain
Cereal fibre and whole grains (which include a range of vitamins and other beneficial chemicals from the outer layer) have been shown to give you a decreased risk of coronary heart disease and some cancers, particularly bowel cancer. Data from several countries suggests that eating more bread and cereals helps you eat less fat.
How much?
At least four serves a day for women and five for men. A serve is two slices of bread or a cup of cooked rice or pasta, for example.

How to do it
Cakes, biscuits and pastries don’t count here — they contain a lot of fat and should be occasional foods only. Easy ways to meet the daily target include eating bread with each meal (preferably wholegrain), regularly using rice, couscous, pasta or noodles to accompany hot dishes, and having cereal for breakfast. Try our Fibre quiz as well.

3. Include lean meat, fish, poultry and/or alternatives such as legumes and nuts
Meat, fish and chicken are an important source of iron, which is absorbed much better by the body than non-haem iron from grains and vegetables. Iron deficiency can lead to tiredness and may progress to anaemia and other serious conditions. Meat is also an important source of zinc (important in making protein in the body), vitamin B12 (necessary for the nervous system as well as for making DNA) and of course protein. Legumes and nuts are a good source of protein and other nutrients for vegetarians.
How much?
Eat a moderate serve of lean red meat three or four times a week; if you don’t you need to make sure you eat other foods high in iron (see below; this applies especially to girls, women and athletes). Two to three meals of fish a week are recommended to obtain omega-3 fatty acids.

How to do it
Liver, oysters and mussels are the best sources of iron, followed by beef and lamb, pork and chicken. Soy beans, green vegies, eggs and almonds are also quite high in iron but it’s not absorbed as well. Vegetarians should choose from a variety of legumes (beans and pulses), green vegetables, nuts and seeds to get their iron. Wholegrain and wholemeal cereals are also good sources of iron and zinc. Vitamin B12 is found in animal foods and added to some soy products and cereals. Check out the Iron calculator to see how your diet compares.

4. Limit saturated (and trans) fat
High levels of saturated and trans fat in the diet are risk factors for heart disease (see Fat and heart disease for more on this).
How much?
Saturated and trans fat together shouldn’t make up more than 10% of the kilojoules you eat.

How to do it
Saturated fat’s the main type in milk, cream, butter, cheese, fatty meats, palm and coconut oil, and in hydrogenated vegetable oil used in many processed foods. Eat reduced- and low-fat milk, cheese and yoghurt. Use polyunsaturated or monounsaturated spreads instead of butter. Eat lean cuts of meat, discard skin from chicken, cut back on fatty mince, sausages, processed and luncheon meats. Limit creamy sauces and gravies. Many fast foods like fried chicken, burgers and chips are high in saturated fat. Cut back on biscuits, pastries and cakes (commercial ones are usually high in saturated fat and some also contain trans fats produced during processing of vegetable oils). Also have a look at our Fat quiz.

5. Include reduced-fat dairy foods and/or alternatives in your diet
Dairy foods are a major source of protein, vitamins and minerals. They are also the richest source of calcium in the Australian diet. Not getting enough calcium is one factor associated with osteoporosis.
How much?
Three serves of dairy foods or alternatives a day are recommended for women and two to four serves for men. A serve is a cup of milk, 40 g of cheese, 200 g (a tub) of yoghurt.

How to do it
Full-fat dairy products are high in saturated fat so it’s best to choose reduced- and low-fat versions. Calcium-enriched milks are also available. Cottage and ricotta cheese have very little calcium and can’t be counted as a serve. Dairy alternatives include calcium-fortified soy beverages, calcium-fortified tofu, a cup of almonds, five sardines or half a cup of canned pink salmon (with bones). Our Calcium quiz may also help.

6. Drink plenty of water
Water is essential for life. It’s needed for digestion, absorption, transportation and as a solvent for nutrients, for elimination of waste products and temperature regulation. Long-term mild dehydration and poor fluid intake can result in increased risk of kidney stones and urinary tract cancers.
How much?
It’s recommended that average-sized adults drink six to eight glasses (1.5 to 2 L) of fluid a day. If you’re very active or work in hot conditions, you’ll need more.

How to do it
Water is best — it doesn’t have any kilojoules. Tea contains antioxidants, which may help protect you against cancer and heart disease. Coffee contains about twice as much caffeine as regular tea. Too much caffeine makes you urinate more and so you lose fluid. Fruit and vegetable juices can be a useful source of vitamin C, potassium and folate. Limit cordials and soft drinks with added sugar — you’ll add lots of kilojoules without any important nutrients. Alcohol is a strong diuretic and high in kilojoules. Check you're getting enough water.

7. Choose foods low in salt
Cutting back on salt (sodium chloride) may stop your blood pressure getting higher as you get older, and high blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. And for most people cutting back on salt can help reduce already high blood pressure. The evidence is growing that salt’s a factor in osteoporosis, kidney stones, asthma and heart enlargement.
How much?
An upper daily limit of 2300 mg of sodium is recommended — that’s just over a teaspoon of salt. This includes salt you add at the table and in cooking (estimated at about 15% of total salt intake) as well as salt present in processed foods (estimated at about 75% of total salt intake).

How to do it
Choose low- and reduced-salt versions of food like bread (a significant source of salt in our diets), breakfast cereals, crackers, baked beans and other canned foods, soups, spreads and sauces; watch how much take-away food you eat (like burgers, chips, meat pies, pizzas); soy, oyster and fish sauce are high in salt (try using reduced-salt versions at home). Watch out for stock cubes and for MSG and hydrolysed vegetable protein in ingredient lists — they’re a source of sodium.

8. Limit alcohol
Drinking a lot of alcohol is is associated with a huge range of conditions, the most important being high blood pressure and stroke, various cancers (including liver and breast), alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. On the flipside, moderate intake of alcohol can reduce the risk of heart disease in people over 45 and possibly the polyphenols in red wine (which are antioxidants) may prevent blood cells sticking together and also reduce fatty deposits in your arteries.
How much?
It’s recommended that adults, if they drink at all, limit their alcohol to no more than two standard drinks a day for men and one for women. This is also the level at which heart protection is seen in population studies.

How to do it
A can of regular beer (4.9% alcohol) is one and a half standard drinks; of medium light beer (3.5%) one standard drink; and of light beer (2.7%) half a standard drink. One nip of spirits or 100 mL of wine (about half the amount usually poured) is a standard drink, and a can of premixed spirits (about 5% alcohol) is one and a half standard drinks.

9. Don’t eat too much sugary food
Sugar provides kilojoules, but no needed nutrients and high sugar users may eat fewer nutritious foods. It’s also linked to dental decay and there are some concerns it may be associated with syndrome X (for more on sugar and your health see Controversy: nothing wrong with sugar).
How much?
Total sugar, which includes naturally occurring sugars in fruit and milk as well as sugar added as sucrose (table sugar), glucose, fructose, malt or honey shouldn’t make up more than 20% of the kilojoules you eat.

How to do it
Limit your consumption of foods that contain sugar without essential nutrients, for example confectionery, soft drinks, cakes, biscuits and pastries. While it’s OK to add a teaspoon of sugar or honey to a breakfast cereal for taste, don’t go overboard — maybe add fruit instead.

What Does It Take to Become a Successful Model

Of the millions of young, bright, attractive people who want to get into modeling, only a small percentage find any success at it. Why is that? Simply because they don't possess all of the following key elements of a successful model.


Many young actors, actresses and models fail to reach their potential simply because they don't have enough drive and desire to overcome the inevitable slumps and setbacks they encounter. They simply quit.

Professional Attitude:

Modeling is a business, pure and simple. It can be great fun, but professional photographers, art directors, casting directors, and video graphers are in the business of creating images for a profit. Their time is money, and so is yours. Treat these professionals as you would expect to be treated when it comes to time. Don't waste their time by not being punctual or ready to work at the scheduled start time. The most beautiful model in the world will run out of work if she constantly wastes people's time by being late, (or not showing at all), or by not being prepared to work.

Good Work Ethic:

Experienced actors, actresses and models know that there is not a steady stream of work at all times. By being aggressive with your self promotion and focusing on continually marketing your skills, you can create more work opportunities. When work opportunities arise, be prepared to do your best.


Use your unique look and thoughts to create something that makes you special. There are a million pretty faces out there, but if you offer a unique look or attitude, you can create a demand for your services. Be creative when you put your portfolio together and use your best shots for your promotional materials. Collaborate with your photographers to come up with something really special that just screams who you are.

Networking Skills:

All good business people create networks of clients that are constantly growing. actors, actresses and models are no different. You need to find ways to reach potential clients and generate more work and more clients from referrals and other network techniques. Of the clients you work with, ask them for referrals to other opportunities for you. And if a client was referred to you, always let them know who referred them. The common networking rule of thumb is that for every satisfied client you have they, in turn, will tell 2-5 others about you, but for every dissatisfied client, 10 potential new clients will hear the bad news. Never burn your bridges with clients. You may not want to work with them any more, and that is fine, but never, never be rude or unprofessional. It only harms yourself. Always make it a goal to either work a number of times with a client or get referrals to others from them. Work makes work in this business.


Be prepared for work. Develop the discipline to keep your valuable assets, (smile, face, figure, or what ever else you model), in good shape. Have your portfolio ready when you get a go-see, (interview or test shoot), and have your promotional materials, (headshots, zed cards, and resumes), ready for any potential interview or marketing opportunity. This chance may not come around again. Have the discipline to be a go-getter, not a wanna-be.


Successful actors, actresses and models are made, not born. They work at all aspects of what they do and they do not stop because of a few setbacks. They are determined to accomplish a goal and they are not easily stopped by petty excuses or fears of the unknown.

A Plan of Action:

Successful actors, actresses and models have a direction, a plan of action. They set goals for their portfolio, their resume, their network of potential clients and the part of the market they want to work in, and they plan a way to achieve those goals.

Saving Face - Tips For Skin Beauty

Start pampering your skin today to see results tomorrow

Beautiful skin is never just skin deep. What you massage into your skin is likely to be absorbed into your bloodstream, and what you subject your body to shows up on your skin. Clear, radiant skin is a mark of vitality while good skin contributes, in turn, to good health.

That's because your skin is more than a body wrapper. It's your body's largest organ, and the trillions of cells that compose it serve as your first line of defense against microbial invasion and help regulate your body temperature. Skin covers an astonishing 19 square feet of area, weighs in around seven pounds and is teeming with sweat glands, sebaceous glands, hair follicles, blood vessels, heat and cold sensors and nerves.

How smoothly, easily and flexibly your skin performs its many duties and how well it looks has a lot to do with your health.

Those in search of the per-feet complexion will be delighted to know that nature turns out an entirely new epidermis every 28 days, but generally, it takes longer than that to clear up all your skin problems. In addition to the time it takes for skin to manifest bodily dysfunction--a stage in which your skin might look worse--it takes time to bring your body systems into balance.

Take It Off

The big cosmetic companies don't want you to know it, but those who use no products at all often boast better skin than those who buy every wonder cream that hits the market. The reason is that the average consumer is coating her face with petroleum--or worse.

Propylene glycol, for instance, is commonly used in cosmetics to hold moisture and promote skin elasticity. "But in high concentrations, it can be irritating to people with sensitive skin," says Mike Helman, who is in charge of product testing at Revlon and Almay.

Mineral oil, another prevalent component, is attractive to cosmetic manufacturers because it is cheaper and more stable than vegetable oils, but it clogs the pores, causing allergic reactions such as hives and rashes. Isopropyl alcohol, isopropyl myristate, sodium lauryl sulfate and triethanolamine can also cause problems.

"People come to me with severe allergic skin reactions caused by cosmetic chemicals that strip the skin and cause breakouts," says Zia Wesley-Hosford, an esthetician and cosmetologist.

The picture is a lot prettier with products labeled "natural," but these cosmetics may contain binders, emulsifiers, artificial colors and fragrances that irritate the skin. For more on this subject, refer to A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients, by Ruth Winter (Crown, 1994).

Department store "natural" skincare products, such as Clarins, contain artificial colors, fragrances and mineral oil. Many natural food store brands do not, but you might want to scan the label for multisyllabic ingredients that sound chemical in origin. When in doubt, contact the manufacturer.

If you suffer from sensitive skin, acne or other persistent problems, don't hide under a blanket of foundation and concealer--you might worsen your condition. Your best bet is to go au naturel and lead a healthy lifestyle. You don't want to go without makeup? Then buy or make natural products that don't contain any of the previously mentioned culprit chemicals and monitor the results very carefully.

Herbalist Rosemary Gladstar of East Barre, Vt., makes her own skincare products to guarantee the quality of what she puts on her face. According to Gladstar, the cosmetics on store shelves can damage our skin because they often sit around for months, dry out and become rancid.

Put It On

Many women with beautiful skin use remedies as simple as sesame oil for cleanser and apple cider vinegar mixed in olive oil for a moisturizer.

Don't care to walk around smelling like a Caesar salad? Add one drop each of the essential oils of lavender, rose and/or myrrh to a generous teaspoon of almond or olive oil in the palm of your hand and massage it in.

"My favorite skincare product in the world is raw honey," says Gladstar. "There's nothing better to make dry skin look lively. Add a few drops of essential oil of lavender or rose to it and gently massage into temples, cheeks and chin. This concoction wakes the face up by stimulating blood circulation."

For oily or acne-prone skin, Gladstar recommends a mask of volcanic green clay, available in most natural food stores. "It has minerals that draw out toxins," she says. If you have very sensitive, fair skin, she recommends white kaelin clay.

Feed Your Face

Most doctors and dermatologists declare that food choices have nothing to do with skin problems--especially not acne. But many herbalists and naturopaths beg to differ. "If your doctor says your skin problems have nothing to do with diet, find another doctor," advises Gladstar. Indeed, the debate among natural healers is not over whether diet has an effect but what the ideal diet is. For healthy skin, most recommend a varied and balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables and whole, unprocessed products, one that excludes junk food, pasteurized dairy products and hydrogenated fats. Because skin eruptions (urticaria) and rashes can arise from food allergies--most often as reactions to wheat, corn, soy, dairy products, eggs, peanut butter, food colorings and preservatives--many naturopaths advise testing for allergies.

Ironically, health seekers obsessed with low-fat or even no-fat diets often have dry skin and hair and brittle nails because of essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiency, a nutritional shortfall that is widespread in our population, according to nutritionists at the Tufts University Center for Nutritional Research on Aging. Experts estimate that approximately 80 percent of our population eats too little EFAs, which are components of nerves, cell membranes and the chemical messengers involved with hormone regulation (prostaglandins). Prostaglandins are protective against many conditions including inflammation and allergic reactions of the skin.

"The right type and quantity of fat is for maintaining skin moisture as well as smoothness and immune protection," says Michael Murray, N.D., professor of natural medicine at Bastyr University in Bothell, Wash. Murray recommends consuming two tablespoons a day of flaxseed oil on salads and using olive oil in cooking.

Once you've fine-tuned your diet, you'll probably want to consider supplements. Recently, cosmetic companies have been jumping on the supplement bandwagon by marketing assorted "skin formula" supplements.

The question is not, however, whether you need vitamins and minerals to enjoy good health but whether extra amounts above and beyond the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) will improve your skin. For example, vitamin C plays a central role in collagen synthesis, which is needed to keep the dermis supple and young, but will a high dose contribute to the production of collagen? Early results of studies underway at Duke University Medical Center suggest that the surprising answer may well be "yes."

What about vitamin E? Will extra vitamin E protect the skin from the sun and heal acne scars? Will B vitamins regulate hormonal flux? Will the wound-healing properties of zinc clear up acne? Debates about these and other nutrients rage on.

If you study the symptoms of vitamin deficiencies, you're likely to conclude that you need huge amounts of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. But what are the viable dosages, balances and forms? The real problem may not be what's ingested but what the body can assimilate and use. And the answers to these questions might only become clear after a complete physical and biochemical workup by an alternative physician.

Clean Out

"Dry, dull skin, acne and other skin problems are all signs that there may be an internal metabolic imbalance," says Janet Zand, N.D., D.O.M., founder of Zand Herbals. "Due to diet, lifestyle and other stress factors, our bodies are confronted daily with more toxins and impurities than can be eliminated from our systems.

Though powerful Chinese herbs exist to remedy toxicity, Zand recommends two American standbys: echinacea and goldenseal. "In combination, they help regulate infection and inflammation and are, therefore, effective for clearing the skin." She also uses red clover, a blood cleanser with a long history of resolving various skin disorders.

Because hormones play a role in skin troubles such as acne--most notably at puberty, premenstrually, at menopause and during times of stress, Zand recommends two herbs that support the endocrine system: Dong quad, which nourishes the reproductive cycle, and red raspberry leaf, a long-time favorite of Western herbalists.

Here is Zand's four-week herbal cleansing program for radiant skin: During the first and third week, one dose each of a combination formula of echinacea and goldenseal, three times daily; plus 20 drops of a red clover extract, three times daily. During weeks two and four, one dose of a combination formula featuring dong quad and red raspberry, taken three times daily.

While you're nourishing your skin with the best of natural care, try not to fixate on every crease and fold. Instead, think of your wrinkles as "life lines"--hard-won reminders of years well-spent.

Three Musts for Beautiful Skin

Drink Up. More than half our body weight (60 to 70 percent) is water. Every cell needs it to help flush wastes out of the body, to stay hydrated, and to keep skin moist, supple, clear and youthfully plump. "Drink at least eight glasses of water a day," says Janet Zand, N.D., D.O.M., founder of Zand Herbals.

De-Sress. Feeling tense, overwhelmed? Your skin is exquisitely sensitive to emotions and your complexion Meditation, massage and other de-stressors can all be beneficial. So can getting enough sleep (six to eight hours), which helps the skin--and you--rejuvenate.

Take Care In The Sun Most dermatologists consider the sun to be the number one cause of damage and premature aging. Sounds doubtful? Consider that the face and hands are the first places on your body to show aging-and the only parts exposed every day. Some exposure to sunlight (15 to 30 minutes daily) is needed for the skin to manufacture vitamin D, essential for the assimilation of calcium and other minerals. But don't burn! If you do, the best way to repair the damage is by applying aloe vera gel or pure essential oil of lavender (not a fragrance or blend). Either substance can prevent blisters and peeling.

10 Tips to Make Your Hair Look Great

Tip 1:

If your part never looks straight when making pigtails or braids, use a comb or pencil to make a zigzag part on your scalp. Funky pigtails are the way to go so you don't worry about a crooked part.

Tip 2:

Want your natural curls to hold better? After you shampoo and condition, apply more conditioner to the ends, then blow dry. The extra conditioner will hold the curl tighter.

Tip 3:

Always wished for fuller hair? After blow drying your hair, use a large curling iron-- but just curl the hair from halfway down to the root (leaving out the ends). It will give you beautifully fuller hair.

Tip 4:

Here's something you can do with long hair while watching TV or on the computer: Look for split ends and using small hair scissors, cut each split end individually.

Tip 5:

Here's a funky tip for cutting your bangs: Cut them at a diagonal so it's at different lengths across your forehead. That way, you don't have to worry about cutting them uneven or too short.

Tip 6:

Want your hair to shine? Apply a shine serum using a powder brush. Don't put on too much. Sweep the brush across hair by the face and onto ends.

Tip 7:

Here's a tip you can do in the shower to get shiny hair: After you shampoo and condition, give your locks a final rinse with cold water.

Tip 8:

Wonder what part works best for your style? If you have bangs, a side part looks best; if you have layers, a center works best for most people.

Tip 9:

10. Egg shampoo. You have probably heard of it before and now I'm going to tell you what it does for your hair. IT ADDS PROTEIN. So, if you have damaged, fragile, or even tinted hair, this might be perfect for you. It is also very gentle and cleanses without removing the natural oil.

Tip 10:

Massage the lather into your hair, don't rub. You can activate the sabaceous glands, causing more oil to be released. Rubbing can also cause the hair to catch on the other hairs, causing damage..

How To Look Good

Facial Cleansing

Women who wear make-up should carry out a routine of cleansing, toning and moisturing each evening, as well as washing the face in the morning. Cleansing will remove old make-up and the grime and grease that have been accumulated during the day.

  • Remove mascara with a cotton bud dipped in eye-cleansing lotion. To make the job easier keep your hair off your face.
  • Remove the eyeshadow by gently wiping it off with a pad of clean cotton wool moistened with eye-cleansing lotion.
  • Pour a little face cleansing cream into the palm of one hand and dab it generously over the nose, chin, forehead and cheeks using two fingers of the other hand.
  • Massage the cream into the skin, starting under the throat, using a gentle upward motion.
  • Continue massaging the cream up to the forehead, using the fingertips.
  • Gently massage the cream from the eyes to the nose.
  • Massage cream back over the chin, which is particularly prone to blackheads. Use the index finger.
  • Remove the cream from the face with tissue pads in each hand. Start under the chin and work over the cheeks and on to the forehead

Toners remove all traces of dirt, make-up or cleanser that remain after cleansing.

  • Immediately after cleansing apply toner to the forehead and cheeks on a pad of corron wool
  • Apply the toner to the crevices around the nose.
  • Apply the toner to the crevices around the chin.

Without moisture, the skin will not remain smooth and supple. The face is exposed to the drying effect of the weather, so moisturisers -- which form a film over the skin -- contain and augment the natural moisture.

  • Using the tips ofthe fingers, dot moisturising cream lightly all over the face.
  • Press the fingers of both hands into the centre of the forehead and work the cream slowly outwards. Pat the cream gentlyaround the eyes.
  • Work the cream around the jawline, chin and mouth with the middle fingers of both hands.
  • Massage the cream over the throat with alternating hands, using upward strokes from collar-bone to chin
10 Hair Care Tips
  1. Love your hair.This may sound obvious, but it often isn't to a lot of people. Hair has energy and spirit just like every other part of your body and it responds better to kindness and love than neglect and anger. If you hate your hair and ignore it, it will be like a flower that you don't water. It will wilt and die. Show your hair total love and respect and it will blossom and grow and be beautiful.
  2. Accept your hair for what it is. If your hair is thin, wavy, curly or stick straight, try to accept that and not torture it by using strong chemicals that may damage it just to straighten it or curl it. If you decide that you want your hair to be different, make the changes as kindly as possible to your hair. Condition your hair before you straighten or perm it and make sure that you use the best products and get the best advice for your hair.
  3. Maintain your hair with pride and consistency. Depending on the length and style, have it trimmed appropriately. If you wear your hair short, have the style refreshed every 3-4 weeks. If you are growing your hair longer, have it trimmed every 6-8 weeks to remove split ends.
  4. Find a stylist you trust who treats you and your hair with respect. No matter how famous or great a stylist is, if they don't respect your hair needs, wants and desires, you will not be happy with the results. Ask people for the name of their stylist and why they like them. Select a few that have a reputation of concern for the customer and check them out.
  5. Treat your stylist with total respect and consideration. A good relationship with a stylist is a two-way street. Always arrive promptly on time, be prepared for the visit (bring photos of any styles you want to try or new hair colors to experiment with). If you are going to be late, call in advance. If you have to cancel, give as much notice as possible. Always thank your stylist and tip them well to show your appreciation for the care they took with your hair.
  6. Invest in the best products for your hair. Everyone has a budget they must adhere to, but with the money you have, buy the very best you can for your hair. If you can't afford salon quality products, buy the best you can afford. Make the extra effort to shop for products on sale or on the Net to save money and afford you a better product.
  7. Choose healthy habits for your hair. Any habits that damage your body also damage your hair. Exercise, eat well and avoid smoking and alcohol, or at least cut back. Your hair is just one part of the holistic you.
  8. Knowledge is power. Learn as much as you can about your hair. Visit hair care websites, read articles that you see and flip through the magazines while you are waiting in line at the grocery store checkout. Observe what other people do that have gorgeous hair and ask them for advice. People love to share knowledge.
  9. Pay close attention to your hair and listen to its needs. If you notice a change in texture or condition, take time to evaluate what may be happening and make adjustments. Your hair, like your body, sends you signals about what it needs. Is it drier or oilier or frizzier? Is it breaking or falling out or acting unusual? Get to know your hair and understand what it needs.
  10. Pamper your hair at least once a week. This can be as simple as giving yourself a hot oil treatment or taking extra Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). Give yourself a relaxing scalp massage or apply a special deep conditioning pack. Do something for your hair that makes it feel special. Your hair will respond in kind.
10 Essential Health Tips (The Basics to Practice Every Day)
  1. Move More. Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Walk your dog; chase your kids; toss balls with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute aerobic dance class or tai chi or kickboxing. But that's great when you're up to it. Meanwhile, move more. Thought for the day: Cha, Cha, Cha. Then do it!
  2. Cut Fat. Avoid the obvious such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats (i.e. pork, bacon, ham, salami, ribs and sausage). Dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts. Most are available in lower fat versions such as substitute butter, fat free cheeses and mayonnaise. Thought for the day: Lean, mean, fat-burning machine. Then be one!
  3. Quit Smoking. The jury is definitely in on this verdict. Ever since 1960 when the Surgeon General announced that smoking was harmful to your health, Americans have been reducing their use of tobacco products that kill. Just recently, we've seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Could it be the Hollywood influence? It seems the stars in every movie of late smoke cigarettes. Beware. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' stance of Hollywood smokers. Thought for the day: Give up just one cigarette. the next one.
  4. Reduce Stress. Easier said than done, stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e.,Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible. Thought for the day: When seeing red, think pink clouds.then float on them.
  5. Protect Yourself from Pollution. If you can't live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution and dirt from the street deterrent. Thought for the day: 'Smoke gets in your eyes'and your mouth, and your nose and your lungs as do pollutants.hum the tune daily.
  6. Wear Your Seat Belt. Statistics show that seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes. Thought for the day: Buckle down and buckle up.
  7. Floss Your Teeth. Recent studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it's because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don't? Thought for the day: Floss and be your body's boss.
  8. Avoid Excessive Drinking. While recent studies show a glass of wine or one drink a day (two for men) can help protect against heart disease, more than that can cause other health problems such as liver and kidney disease and cancer. Thought for the day: A jug of wine should last a long time.
  9. Keep a Positive Mental Outlook. There's a definitive connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life. Thought for the day: You can't be unhappy when you're smiling or singing.
  10. Choose Your Parents Well. The link between genetics and health is a powerful one. But just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn't mean you cannot counteract the genetic pool handed you. Thought for the day: Follow these basic tips for healthy living and you can better control your own destiny.

Minggu, April 27, 2008

Our Top Tips for White Teeth

1. Avoid coffee and red wine as much as possible. Both will quickly stain your teeth.

2. Raw veggies will clean your teeth so you not only have a healthy snack, you are cleaning your teeth at the same time.

3. Keep an eye on your toothbrush. It can't do its job if it is worn out. It might sound obvious, but you have no idea how many people hold on to the same old brush. If you think about it, it is almost impossible to brush away film that hides your white teeth, with a brush that has worn out bristles.

4. Strawberries have a natural bleaching effect and are loaded with Vitamin C, so you simply can't lose. Rub the pulp over your teeth and then rinse.

5. Brushing your teeth every 12 hours is considered a rule of thumb. This will prevent plaque from forming and stains setting.

6. Avoid smoking, easier said than done but this is one of the quickest ways of turning white teeth yellow.

7. Floss at least once a day. Stains can easily form between teeth.

8. Use whitening toothpastes that have the Dental Association seal of approval.

9. Have your teeth professionally cleaned once a year. Your teeth will feel so much cleaner. Makes you wonder about the rest of the time.

Modeling Tips, How To Become A Model

Do I want to be a model

Despite the glamour and hype you have seen about the modeling profession, it's hard work. It's boring (sometimes) and it can be tedious. Prepared to be constantly rejected, get ready for some major ups and downs. Modelling is a lifestyle, not an 9-5 job. Not all jobs pay well. Unless you are seriously committed about modeling, willing to work at it on your own time, live a healthy life style, etc., you will not succeed as a model.

You have to understand that there are lots of other people who want to be models, it's a very competitive business. Are you willing to put the time and energy into competing with pretty much everyone you meet, 24 hrs a day?

Where do I start

You'll need a modeling portfolio, I'm sure you'll all know what one of those is but for those that don't it's basically a selection of pictures showing yourself in different outfits and poses. The standard size for the photos is 9 by 12 inches and you'll need around 10 - 12 photos. Make sure you focus on quality rather than quantity, remember, you're only as good as your worst photo. Make sure your portfolio has a selection of both head shots and full body shots. Make sure you get a variety of different looks such as swimwear, catalogue and lingerie, you get the idea, also get a couple of black and white shots in there. Avoid using pictures of the same shot.

It can be very advantageous to have photographs from different photographers in a portfolio. This will show the versatility in terms of styles and it will prove that a model can work with a variety of different people. Obviously, the cost of hiring different photographers for a portfolio is prohibitive, but there are many excellent photographers out there who will do prints for time - and of course many more bad ones. If you research what's on offer well, it can be an excellent alternative.

Before going ahead with a photo session ask to look at the photographers portfolio to see if you like his style of photography. No doubt if you go to the photographers studio to book the appointment he will have examples of his work on display anyway. If you've never done modelling before this will also be an excellent practice run for you. Avoid photographers wanting to take nude shots, if possible take a friend with you to the shoot.

The Comp Card

You'll definately need one of these. A comp card is what your modelling agency will use to market you.

What is a comp card? A composite card (sometimes called a ZED) is a model's business card. In most cases, your comp card is your one and only opportunity to make a good first impression. With that in mind it is important that the images on your card are your absolute best and nothing less. Additionally, the printing and reproduction quality is extremely important. Poor reproduction makes your images look bad and as a result - makes you look bad. Besides a great head-shot, the comp card will have other photos that show your experience, your versatility, range, and what type of work you are seeking. For best results all of the photos should be the highest quality you can obtain at your stage in your modeling career. Make sure the you have them printed on rigid card that will withstand a bit of wear and tear.

Be careful! Do NOT have a modeling agency print your comp card. If you do - they will put their logo on it. You are going to want to sign with as many agencies as possible if you are serious about getting work. Comp card printing can get expensive - print them yourself and give each agency copies - they have stickers that they can put on them with their contact information and you will save money.

The Agency

An agency or co-ordinator should represent models. The model must have a portfolio, and comp cards. The agency/coordinator provides you with work (That is their main purpose. It is safe to say that they work for you!) They make a commission on your fee.

GOLDEN RULE - Don't go with an agency who asks for money up front! You'll probably never hear from them again and I ceratainly doubt you'll ever get any work from them.

Also check to see if they are reputable and genuine. The agency/coordinator provides you with a safe working environment and looks after legalities of the paper work for the job. They provide their clients with "Professional" models. Keep copies of all-important papers, such as contracts etc. You may need these if you have a dispute with the agency/coordinator. It is wise to choose the agency/coordinator carefully so you can stay with that them.

How do I approach an agency?

The oldest way to go about it is to visit them. Book an appointment ahead of time by phone. Bring at least 2 pictures. They don't have to be professional pictures. A head shot, natural and clear. Also a full length shot that somewhat reveals your figure, a clingy dress , swimsuit, figure flattering clothes or other tight fittings garments should be worn. Forget about baggy clothes! It will tip off viewers that you have something to hide. Ask lots of questions. A sk to see what work their models are currently doing? Ask for names and phone number of clients and call them to verify the information, be concerned if they promise you work right away or promise you high salaries. If they don't allow you time to think about it or if they use pressure techniques to sign the contract, be concerned. They should not ask for money up-front for classes or training. Be concerned if the they claim to be looking for ordinary people. Reputed agencies/coordinators might have open interviews during the week, give them a call and find out.

Our Top Ten Modeling tips

1. Always be on time, if you cannot, be let the Photographer know. Punctuality is very important."safety tip": If you are not taking anyone with you to the shoot, let someone know where you are and with whom. And be sure to tell the photographer that someone knows where you are.

2. Always go prepared : changes that you know will fit you. Don't always think that he/she will have everything that is needed for the shoot.

3. Always take your own make-up; even if he/she has told you there will be a make-up artist there. Always think of the could be's.

4. Get references, as many as you can. That would include other models and/or assignments that the photographer has had. Check and double check. And be sure that a legitimate photographer is doing the same with you. Never take anything for granted.

5. Get phone numbers and addresses if possible, if he/she is hesitant. You might want to rethink the shoot.

6. Make sure that you know exactly what the shoot consists of, and never feel pressured to do anything that you do not feel comfortable doing. If nothing else, go by your gut feeling.

7. Always take along enough "cash" for cab fare etc. In case the photographer cannot provide adequate transportation. Most will, but always be prepared for the "just in case".

8. Keep in mind that modeling is a business, not a personal venture. You need to be prepared to negotiate with prospective employers, regarding everything from pay to content. Don't just drop out of contact because you don't like what's offered - either negotiate or say, "Thanks, but no thanks." You never know, the employer you turn down could well have your dream job later - and if you treat him or her rudely or with disrespect, you'll likely miss out.

9. Don't ever do anything that you might be sorry for later. What you do today can affect your carreer later down the road. "If you pose for a photo that you cannot show your family and friends, and be proud of it, it wasn't worth doing". Mainly YOU should be proud of it.

10. If you have a verbal or signed agreement on traveling expenses etc. Make sure that it is followed up on. Written is sometimes the best.

10 Exercise Tips to Get Your Bum in Great Shape

1) Squat

Squats are one of the best exercises you can do for your hips, butt and thighs. There are many different types of squats, including the Chair Squat pictured here. Stand with feet hip-width apart and squat, keeping back straight, abs in and knees behind your toes. Let your butt lightly touch chair and squeeze butt to stand up. Repeat for 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps and add weights for more intensity.

2) Lunge

This lunge will really challenge you since you will use the standing leg for balance. Stand with left foot resting on a paper plate. Bend the right leg while sliding the left foot back into a lunge position, keeping the right knee behind the toe, torso upright and abs in. Slowly slide left foot back to starting position and repeat 8-12 times. Switch legs and repeat on each leg for 2-3 sets.

3) Hip Extension

Feel the burn in your hamstrings and glutes with this exercise. On a step or platform, lie facedown with hips on the edge of the step, legs straight with toes resting lightly on the floor. Squeeze the glutes and hamstrings and straighten the legs until they are level with the hips. Hold for 2-3 seconds, and lower letting toes lightly touch the floor. Repeat for 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions

4) Outer Thigh Leg Lift

Note--there is no true 'outer thigh.' When you work your outer thigh, you're actually working your butt! This exercise can be done standing or lying on your side. While standing, simply lift the leg out to the side, a few feet off the floor. Keep hip, knee and foot in line and foot flexed. Repeat 8-12 times on each leg. For more intensity, add a 1-5 pound ankle weight

5) Deadlift

Deadlifts are great for your hamstrings, butt and lower back, but form is critical! Stand with feet hip-width apart, weight in front of thighs. Keeping back flat and abs in, tip forward from the hips and lower your torso until bar hits mid-shin. Squeeze butt to raise back up. Keep the bar close to your legs through the entire movement--don't bend the knees! Do 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps.

6) Hiking

Hiking burns tons of calories because you're typically going up steep mountains and maybe even getting into thin air, which requires lots of energy. Also, walking up an incline automatically gets your glutes more involved and, if you're wearing a backpack, you're really getting a workout. Plus, you get to see nature at its best. A 140-lb person burns about 390 calories in about an hour!

7) Biking

Riding a bike is great for your heart and it also targets almost every muscle in your hips, thighs and butt. On a stationary bike, alternate 3 minutes at 70-80 RPM with 2 minutes at 100-110 RPM for a calorie-blasting 30 minute workout. You can also try Spinning at the gym or riding outside. Gear up to really work your glutes! A 140-lb person burns 335 calories in 45 minutes.

8) Running

Running, like walking is accessible, easy to learn, reduces stress, helps in weight loss, and it makes you feel good. Plus, it really works your butt, especially when you add a few hills to your regular running route. Sprints are another option for folks wanting to both burn more calories and tighten up the old tush. A 140-lb person burns 475 calories during a 45 minute jog.

9) Kickboxing

Kickboxing was a hot item back in the day, but it's still a great workout. Controlled kicks work your hips, thighs and butt while complex combinations that include punches will target your abs to make them stronger. A 140-lb woman will burn up to 500 calories with 45 minutes of kickboxing.

10) Walking

Walking is easy: you can do it anywhere, anytime with no special equipment. There's no learning curve and it's something you can incorporate all day long. If you walk up hills, you can really target your glutes and, if you pick up the intensity, you'll burn some of that extra flab off your buns! A 140-lb person burns about 300 calories an hour during a brisk walk.

What is Glamour?

Of all the styles of photography in the industry, perhaps the most misunderstood one out there is �glamour�.

By modern definitions, the word glamour means: �alluring beauty or charm (often with sex-appeal)�. In photographic or modelling terms, �glamour�, concentrates on a model�s appearance and presentation rather than the clothes she may or may not be wearing. It is about creating sexually provocative images, with the model often appearing to be in a constant state of near-orgasm! It is about the attitude, the eroticism, the mood, and sometimes nothing more than a particular look in a model�s eyes.

It is also the most popular market where the majority of models can earn a relatively profitable living. There are no height or age restrictions (though you have to be at least 18-years-old before a photographer will even consider working with you on a glamour shoot), nor are there any size issues. All those pesky rules that are associated with the world of fashion simply don�t apply, which accounts for the sheer number of glamour models out there. In a sense, it is perhaps the most democratic form of modelling in the industry that exists � everyone can give it a go! Those models that do succeed in this field reach the top not necessarily by their good looks or stunning figures alone (although both help), but often by the sheer force of their personality and the professional attitude they bring to their work.

In recent years, the glamour industry � once the undisputed province of the �Page 3 Model� � has been accepted more by the mainstream media due to the rise of the �lad�s mags� (or �mid-shelf� magazines), such as FHM and Zoo, to name but a few. Every industry has its stars, & the undisputed queen of glamour has to be Jordan (Katie Price), who probably has the most cannily planned career of any model out there. Men want to be with her; women want to be just like her! Jordan has tried just about every entertainment outlet available to any self-respecting celebrity, and like Madonna has marketed herself as a brand to be reckoned with. Unlike other glamour models however who outstay their welcome, Jordan has also wisely seen that her days in this field are numbered, and has moved into fashion with consummate ease � recently working with top fashion photographer, David Bailey.

It has to be stressed however, that Jordan�s career is very much the exception, rather than the rule. One has to think long and hard to find a similar success story � Sam Fox springs to mind, though the years have proved that she has had none of the enduring appeal or longevity of Ms. Price�s.

The irony of the glamour industry, however, is that for many models, it is anything but glamorous! For the majority, it is about the inevitable travelling (be prepared for a lot of it!) to and from shoots in cold, inhospitable studios and locations � as well as the inevitable dangers present for impressionable young women on the road to fame and fortune. It doesn�t help, of course, that the term for �glamour� has been hijacked by the more extreme ends of the industry to make porn sound more palatable as a product for both photographers and models alike. This lazy and convenient categorisation of the industry itself to label everything that is neither fashion nor wholesome, as �glamour�, leads to inevitable confusion.

We can�t tell you the number of first-time models we�ve worked with, who�ve either assumed that �glamour� meant �porn�, or that it involved some kind of nudity. On the other hand, we�ve also encountered models who�ve assumed that �glamour� simply meant nothing more than wearing lingerie (nope, that�s modelling lingerie, which isn�t the same thing at all). So the long and the short of it is this: �glamour� modelling can range from lingerie to nude work, but it does NOT insist on nudity of any kind � implied or otherwise. What a model is prepared to reveal is based sole on the requirements of a photographer offering work, but more importantly, it is dictated exclusively by what is agreed between both parties beforehand.

Finally, �glamour� is not about how much you see, but how much you think you are going to see�


Skin care, in our opinion, should be simple! You shouldn't need fancy 3 step processes that cost you hundreds of dollars to use.

Most over the counter products only treat acne after it shows up. They do not get to the source of the problem though. Acne forms underneath the skins surface and needs to be stopped before it makes it to the surface.

We have made a list of tips which are from skin care professionals.

For minor acne, these tips are quite effective. Sometimes though, keeping your skins surface clean is not enough. You may have to go to your doctor to fix the problem.

Skin care tips

  • Don't squeeze a pimple unless the tip is white, otherwise it will swell and will take longer to go away. JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE! Most of them will go away!

  • If you sweat, then clean your skin afterwards. Even if all you have is water.

  • Wash your skin with a non medicated and non scented soap at least 2 times per day (morning and night).

  • Don't use a lot of moisturizer. Just a tiny amount about the size of a pea or smaller. Use a non scented moisturizer. One with vitamin E is a good choice.

  • Drink at least 8-12 glasses of water per day. This will help keep your skin clean and healthy.

  • Sleep at least 8 hours per day. Sleep is when your body repairs itself the most, so you must give yourself good amounts of sleep.

  • Most importantly, try not to stress. Worrying and checking the mirror every 5 minutes will just stress you out. When your mind is stressed your body will reflect it.

The less stress you have, the better your skin will get. When your mind is relaxed, healthy and at peace, your body will be the same. Your immune system will do what it is supposed to do.

When you stress though, your skin will get worse. We suggest taking 15 minutes every day to just let gooo. Just relax, forget about your skin, forget about the past and the future. Just relax.

Forget about everything. Just lie down or sit in a chair and RELAX. For this 15 minutes, just let go of everything.

Stress has been proven to causes aging, acne, sickness and the breakdown of DNA. Doing what we have just mentioned, has been proven to reverse aging, dramatically improve or eliminate acne, prevent sickness, cure sickness and maintain your DNA structure.

Do the relaxation before you go to bed as well. When you have a good, long and deep sleep your body repairs itself the best.

Most people do not practice relaxation on a daily basis. Try it for a few weeks and it will improve your skin and day to day life dramatically.

*Check out our how to become a model course for specific relaxation and meditation exercises.

If you have tried all this before, without success, then your acne most likely needs to be solved with antibiotics. Go to your doctor and find out what is the best option for you.

Don't be embarrassed!

Don't be shy! Go to your doctor and get more information. Your skin needs to be clear for modeling. Make up can cover some, but not all acne. And a modeling agency simply can't send a model out with bad skin.


When it comes to runway modeling tips, you must realize one thing... YOU ARE A HUMAN COAT HANGER!

Runway modeling tips picYour purpose on the runway, is to display the designers clothes.

The second thing you need to realize when runway modeling is that this is a really good opportunity to get good exposure and future bookings.

So in order for you to A) Be a good coat hanger and B) Get exposed and get future bookings, have compiled a list of runway modeling tips for you to study.

The best runway modeling tip to give though, is that you should watch professional models on the runway. Recording a runway show would be best because then you can go over it time and time again.

Although watching these tapes many times may help, you still may miss a few important runway modeling details. So we have outlined what you would probably not notice just by watching.

These also happen to be the things that most models mess up on and don't know. Your agent should teach you these, but they will be very pleased if you appear to already be a "natural".

Runway modeling tips #1: Eyes

Your eyes should be focused straight ahead of you. Looking off into the distance. Just find something on the back wall and focus on it.

WARNING: There will be bright lights aimed at you! Do not try and focus on a light unless you want to go blind and walk right over the ledge of the runway, because all you can see is the after image of the light bulb.

Runway modeling tips #2: Chin

Your chin should be down slightly while runway modeling. The reason for this is because every one will be sitting, looking up at you.

There will be many photographers taking pictures aimed up at you. So for your exposure aspect, you want to have good pictures taken of you so that they can be reused in magazines. You can then take these and add them to your portfolio.

Runway modeling tips #3: Shoulders

They shouldn't move much at all.

Your shoulders need to stay still as you walk. This can take a little getting used to but will not take long.

Runway modeling tips #4: Arms

A lot of models, when learning runway modeling, tend to swing their arms way too much. Your arms should only swing as much as your body makes them.

With men and women it is a little bit different of a swing. The reason for the difference is how a man takes his steps. His step will cause his whole arm to swing more while a woman's steps will cause her arms to swing more from her elbows down.

Next time you watch a model runway modeling, watch and see how their lower arm is doing most of the swinging.

Tip for WOMEN: Concentrate on keeping your upper arm in close and somewhat tight to your body. This will ensure that only the bottom half swings.

MEN: All you need to do is just let them swing naturally. Don't assist them at all.

Runway modeling tips #5: Hands

Now hands are surprisingly quite important while runway modeling.

Here's why: Say you are walking down the runway with your arms at your side. Then someone for a fashion magazine take an awesome picture of you.

Now this is a good picture! Everything looks perfect, until they look at you hands! Why? Because you, like most people, had your fingers curled in and up slightly.

So what's wrong with that you ask? You have no fingers!!!! At least in the picture it will look like you have no fingers! Like they all got chopped off!

Always remember to have your hands open with your fingers nearly totally straightened. Not totally straight (you don't want to look like a robot), but out enough to be visible.

Runway modeling tips #6: Legs

Legs refers to walking. Men just need to walk natural. The only difference is that you take longer strides. So instead of having 1.5 feet in between your strides increase it to 2.5 to 3 feet.

The main point is to take long strides without making it look unnatural.

Women need to also take longer strides, but they need to walk with one foot in front of the other. This causes their hips to sway, which gives their arms the swing that was described in the arms section.

Runway modeling tips #7: Posture

This is fairly basic runway modeling tip. Stand straight up, with your shoulders back. No hunching! That looks insecure and disgusting.

Although this is all important, it can change from designer to designer. But, the main key is confidence. When you have that, everything else just falls into place.

If you want to have more confidence, our How to become a model course is perfect for you! Check it out on our how to become a model page.