Madhuri Dixit is a Bollywood icon. She dominated the media in the 1980's and 1990's and is still very active today. In fact, in 2007 Madhuri Dixit was named Bollywood's Best Actress Ever and received rave reviews for her latest 2007 film Aaja Nachle. It is only fitting that this contest be between who many people consider Madhuri Dixit's successor to being the best of Bollywood, Aishwarya Rai. So, how about it? Tell us which one you prefer, which is most beautiful, which is sexiest, and whatever else you might want to tell us.
Ai Otsuka so sweet and so lovely very much
*Ai Otsuka* born on September 9, 1982 is a Japanese pop female
singer-songwriter and pianistOsaka, Osaka Prefecture, Japan. She is
best-known for her 2003/...
16 tahun yang lalu